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Angelus… Manitowoc’s Premier Assisted Living Community

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Angelus… Manitowoc’s Premier Assisted Living Community

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Angelus… Manitowoc’s Premier Assisted Living Community

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Angelus… Manitowoc’s Premier Assisted Living Community

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Angelus… Manitowoc’s Premier Assisted Living Community

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Discover Angelus Senior Living

It’s a NEW DAY at Angelus Senior Living! Come and discover our premier assisted living residence for seniors desiring to live a life with meaning, safety, and comfort. We have over 40 years’ experience serving seniors and our loving and caring staff are available 24/7. Our amenities are all-inclusive and our dining room serves inspired dietician-approved meals to your table. Angelus sets the industry standard with our ANGELUS ADVANTAGE! We are pleased to invite you to schedule a personal visit or call Jodi today!

Angelus, where love and caring…..just is.


Why Angelus Assisted Living?

Why Assisted Living at Angelus? At Angelus, we want to alleviate your concerns regarding safety and security. Residents and families appreciate the security of knowing they have assistance available 24 hours a day for personal or emergent issues. Residents are furnished with an alert call pendant which instantly connects them to helpful on-site Angelus support staff. Alternate levels of care can be added to our standard amenities to provide added safety or needed assistance in activities of daily living. Let us take care of the laundry and housekeeping while you enjoy morning exercise overlooking the nature preserve, take in a card game with friends in the River View room, or visit with family in the 3rd-floor observatory with breathtaking views of Lake Michigan. At Angelus, cooking and cleaning for each meal is replaced with inspired home-cooked dietician-approved meals served restaurant-style in our 2 story dining room with glassware and linens. You may take advantage of religious services, book clubs, and community excursions or enjoy the tranquility of your apartment with outstanding views of nature preserve or lakefront. At Angelus, we make you feel right at home. Call Jodi to learn more!

Angelus Senior Living's founder, Vince

Four Decades of Serving Seniors

Angelus Senior Living has over 40 years of healthcare experience working to our residents’ benefit. Our caregivers understand seniors deserve respectable assistance with attention and compassion for their needs. We value our residents’ spirit and take measures to cultivate a safe and engaging atmosphere where they can enjoy their twilight years without worry. Our residents live comfortably while enjoying scenic views, delicious meals, meaningful activities, and continual individualized care whenever they need it.

At Angelus, We Make You Feel Right at Home!

If you are looking for a place to call home with 24/7 assistance and ample opportunity to socialize and enjoy life, Angelus Senior Living’s residential community has an apartment for you. We invite seniors and their families to take advantage of our supportive atmosphere to enhance our residents’ minds, body, spirit, and quality of life!

JOIN US AT ANGELUS…. Where love and caring, just IS!

Angelus Senior Living

1010 Bayshore Drive
Manitowoc, WI 54220


For Inquiries

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Bayshore Dr, Manitowoc, WI 54220, USA